Project proposal (Ryan Sepe, Alexandra Morton, Patrick Davis)

Our project idea is an electronic checkerboard. The idea is to remove the physical checker piece and replace it with lights and buttons. The lights will resemble the pieces. The lights will be two different colors to resemble the two different players. However, the color will change when it gets kinged. The board we will be making will be 6 x 6, not a full size board to make coding and building it more realistic to complete in time that we have. On one side of the board there will be lights that will keep up with how many “pieces” have been removed by lighting up the required number of lights on the respective sides.  “Pieces” will be moved by pushing a button located on each square. First, they will push the button at the one they want to move, then they will push the button at the square they want to move to. If it is a valid move, the light at the current square will turn off and turn on at the target square. If in the path of the jump there is an opponent’s “piece” the light for that piece will turn off and turn on the respected light on the score lights.

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